File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 arbitraryprecisioncalculation.hThis file contains include directives to all externally useful functions of arbitraryprecisioncalculation library
 check_condition.hThis file includes a possibility to check conditions which should be true. (similar to assertions)
 configuration.hThis file contains general information about the configuration for running the particle swarm optimization algorithm
 operations.hThis file contains a large set of operations for calculations with the mpf_t data type
 parse.hThis file contains functions for parsing the configuration file
 random_number_generator.hThis file contains the available random number generators
 absorption.hThis file contains the absorption bound handling strategy
 bound_handling.hThis file contains an abstract class for different bound handling strategies, which can be used for the particle swarm optimization
 hyperbolic.hThis file contains the hyperbolic bound handling strategy
 nearest.hThis file contains the nearest bound handling strategy
 no_bounds.hThis file contains the no bounds bound handling strategy
 random.hThis file contains the random bound handling strategy
 random_forth.hThis file contains the random forth bound handling strategy
 reflect.hThis file contains the reflect bound handling strategy
 torus.hThis file contains the torus bound handling strategy
 diagonal_function.hThis file contains the description of a function with heavy diagonal eigenvector in the second derivative matrix
 function.hThis file contains abstract classes for function generation
 inclined_plane.hThis file contains the description of the inclined plane functions
 manual_function.hThis file contains abstract classes for function generation
 mono_sphere.hThis file contains the description of the mono sphere function
 norm.hThis file contains the description of various norm functions
 random_positive_definite.hThis file contains the description of a function with random positive definite second derivative matrix
 rastrigin.hThis file contains the description of the rastrigin function
 rosenbrock.hThis file contains the description of the rosenbrock function and a moved version
 scaled_sphere.hThis file contains the description of the scaled sphere functions
 schwefel.hThis file contains two different versions of the schwefel test function
 single_different_direction.hThis file contains the description of function which performs different in a single direction
 sorting_function.hThis file contains the description of a function which checks how sorted the position entries are
 specific_functions.hThis file contains specific functions
 sphere_plus.hThis file contains the description of the sphere plus function
 testing.hThis file contains the description of an experimental testing function
 two_cups_function.hThis file contains the description of the two cups function
 check_condition.hThis file includes a possibility to check conditions which should be true. (similar to assertions)
 configuration.hThis file contains general information about the configuration for running the particle swarm optimization algorithm
 general_objects.hThis file contains various general objects which can be used by or contained in other objects
 main.hThis file contains the main methods to start the PSO algorithm
 parse.hThis file contains functions for parsing the configuration file
 particle.hThis file contains information about the particles of the swarm
 visualization.hThis file contains functionality to visualize the particle swarm
 adjacency_list_neighborhood.hThis file contains neighborhood topologies specified by adjacency lists
 global_best.hThis file contains the global best neighborhood topology
 neighborhood.hThis file contains an abstract classes for neighborhood generation
 default_updater.hThis file contains the standard class for processing the velocity and position update of each particle
 delta_updater.hThis file contains a class for processing the velocity and position update of each particle with random reinitialization of velocity in case of low energy
 dimension_independent_updater.hThis file contains a position and velocity updater, which acts independent to the coordinate axes
 orientation_change_updater.hThis file contains a position and velocity updater, which changes orientation if some directions have little movement
 position_and_velocity_updater.hThis file contains an abstract class for processing the velocity and position update of each particle
 testing_updater.hThis file contains an experimental position and velocity updater
 direct_statistics.hThis file contain classes, which evaluate to vectors depending on the current state of the particle swarm
 potential_calculator.hThis file contains classes for statistical calculations
 specific_statistical_evaluations.hThis file contain classes, which can evaluate matrices depending on the current state of the particle swarm, and some helping classes to generate analyzable statistics out of them
 statistics.hThis file contains an class, which stores current information about the particle swarm
 adjust.hThis file contains the adjust velocity adjustment strategy
 deterministic_back.hThis file contains the deterministic back velocity adjustment strategy
 none.hThis file contains the none velocity adjustment strategy
 random_back.hThis file contains the random back velocity adjustment strategy
 velocity_adjustment.hThis file contains an abstract class for processing the velocity adjustment after the position update of each particle
 zero.hThis file contains the zero velocity adjustment strategy