Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NarbitraryprecisioncalculationBase namespace for arbitrary precision calculation
 NconfigurationContains the variables which store information about the configuration for the arbitrary precision calculation
 NmpftoperationsContains a large set of operations for calculations with the mpf_t data type
 NparseContains a large set of functions for parsing the configuration file
 NvectoroperationsContains a large set of operations for calculations with vectors of the mpf_t data type
 NhighprecisionpsoBase namespace for this project
 NconfigurationContains the variables which store information about the configuration for the particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO)
 NparseContains a large set of functions for parsing the configuration file
 NvisualizationThis namespace contains functionality to visualize the particle swarm